Crow Dream

The river does not pass-
It’s waters do
and we reflect on them
in amazement.

A murmuration of words
flips and swoons,
it’s black wingtips
churning in the air of meaning.
Glyphs battering
like mad typewriter keys.

The airy page waits.

The first line of crow-letters land.
And will never leave.


Those awkward islanders.

Incomers land –
insinuate themselves.

Inveigled into the odd pub,

but the divide stays

and when the incomers pass
and are planted in newly bought earth

a final outcome sees
them newcomers,

estranged from the rows of history.


Death comes Knocking

Can I ask you to wait at the door awhile,
Said consciousness the old trickster,
I’m dining with fear and the unknown just now.
I’ve misplaced their jackets, they’re leaving.

I know they’ve lived here forever
They pretend to be guests.
Oh , you’re coming in anyway?
Make yourself comf…oh, you have.

You say this is YOUR house?
Why is it so familiar then?
My guests seem to have left somehow.
You’ll let me stay though?